Happy Thanksgiving Local 66
Message from Business Manager Steve Flanagan
During this time of Thanksgiving I have been reflecting on the things I am most grateful for. There are the most obvious things; my family, friends and my health, but there is another part of my life that I am thankful for, my co-workers. It is the members of Local 66 that make the union succeed. Without you there is NO union and NO strength. The past few years have been challenging for us, but we have been able to work together and in doing so we have accomplished great things together. On behalf of the Local 66 and our staff, officers and Executive Board I thank all of you for your dedication and hard work. I wish you and your families a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving.
Union Made Thanksgiving
It's a day of family, friends and anyone who is special to you. Thanksgiving is the ultimate comfort day and if you're helping with the meal this year, we've got the union-made goods that will comfort you at the checkout, too. Put on a great feast all while supporting good jobs.