Close the Prevailing Wage Loophole
In Albany, Laborers Local 66 is working on getting a bill passed that would strengthen the state's prevailing wage law by closing a loophole that has allowed contractors to circumvent it. The bill is currently in the New York State Senate and all of our members have the chance to weigh in. Click here to go to the bills page. Once there you will see a box towards the bottom of your screen that will ask if you support this bill (pictured below). I need every Local 66 member to click "aye." Once you do that, the system will ask you for your name, address, etc. Please fill this out, as well as add a message below. Once your done, click "Support the Bill" and a letter will be sent to your State Senator. We need to generate as many letters as we can in the next few days so please take action right away.