COVID-19 Antibody Test Available for Welfare Plan Members
As many begin to think about “back-to-school” and what that means during COVID-19, we are seeing an increase in COVID-19 antibody testing.
To make antibody testing more convenient for our members, we are offering 3 days of COVID-19 antibody testing in Nassau County. There is no requirement to get a prescription from your doctor and the total cost of the test for the plan will be $59.50 with no office visit charge and no member/patient cost sharing. COVID-19 antibody testing will be offered at the following location and dates:
BioReference Patient Service Center
372 Post Ave, Westbury, NY 11590
Thursday, August 27th 4pm–7pm
Friday, August 28th 4pm–7pm
Saturday, August 29th 2pm–5pm
During the above hours, the BioReference Patient Service Center will be closed to the general public. On these three days, COVID-19 antibody testing is open only to active participants covered through a health plan administered by MagnaCare or Create and their covered dependents.
The antibody test is a blood test that looks for COVID-19 antibodies, which usually appear in people who have had the infection. Members may want to take the test to find out if they have the antibodies or if they’re unsure if your family had COVID-19 at some point and would like to find out, especially before back-to-school.
While the cost for antibody testing to members is zero, as mandated by the Families First Care Act, the cost to the plan varies widely depending on the setting, whether it’s a doctor’s office, emergency room, outpatient hospital clinic, urgent care center or free-standing laboratory. Testing at an emergency room is much more costly than the same test performed at a participating lab. A lab, though, requires a doctor’s prescription, and the prescribing physician may bill for the cost of an office visit. Our special MagnaCare/BioReference antibody testing event offers members a safe, convenient option which requires no prescription and costs the plan only $59.50.
Separate appointments are required for each person that is getting tested. Test results are typically available in less than 72 hours.
Appointment Registration Link: https://www.bioreference-appointments.com/magnacare
The following is required for antibody testing:
- An appointment is REQUIRED
- Arrive five minutes before appointment time to check-in
- The QR code (on your phone or printed) that you will receive on your confirmation when you register for an appointment
- MagnaCare or Create ID card
- Photo ID
- Face covering must be worn at the appointment
- Practice safe social distancing and no gathering
- No prescription needed!
- For questions, call 1.888.624.6257 Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–5:00 PM
- If you are sick, please do not schedule an appointment for antibody testing
- If you have any questions about this special cost-effective and convenient 3-day event with BioReference Laboratories for COVID-19 antibody testing, please feel free to contact me.