Virtual Phonebank Training
Below is a registration link for union members to register for a training on how to make phone calls from home in support of union candidates on Long Island in 2020. Local 66's PAC will pay members $50 for 2-3 hour shifts. Members can do it at their convenience when time allows, but they must take the training. All calls will be made to AFL-CIO union members.
The training is being conducted on Wednesday, October 7 at 5pm through the Long Island Federation of Labor to get everyone set up for virtual phone banking. The training will be through Zoom so you will need a computer in order to participate, and when participating in virtual phone banking going forward you will need either a computer or tablet as well as a phone.
In light of COVID this is an efficient and easy way for union members to get involved politically from the comfort of their home at times that are convenient for them.
If you have any questions please email Josh Slaughter, jslaughterlocal66@gmail.com, or call Josh 631-456-1718.
You can register for the training by clicking here.