News Updates

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    Annual Blood Drive & BBQ - Sept 27th

    Click here to download the above information.

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    2018 Laborers 66 Scholarship Winners

    Scholarship winner Kayla Ahern with her father Michael, Ed  Chakmakian and his son Pearce. Ed presented the awards. Kayla will be attending New Paltz and will be studying...

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    Congressman Suozzi Hosts Event to Celebrate Those the Pursuing the American Dream with a Career in Skilled Labor

    Last night Congressman Tom Suozzi (D – Long Island, Queens) hosted an event at the Laborers 66 Union Hall in Melville to recognize and celebrate young people who have chosen...

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    Hail the Prevailing Wage

    This is New York. We don't do "race to the bottom" here. We don't invite in bottom-fishers and corner-cutters to build our buildings. And we don't scapegoat workers.  That's...

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    Laborers Local 66 Offering Apprenticeships

    The Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee of Local 66 of the General Building Laborers union will begin taking applications Wednesday for 20 skilled construction craft...

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    Berevement Notice

    Steve Kalogeras deceased retiree member, died feb 21st 2018 Service InformationMoloney's Holbrook Funeral HomeSunday 2 to 4pm 2/257 to 9pm Monday 2/262-47-9pm www.moloneyfh....

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    NY Family Leave Act

    Effective January 1, 2018   As you are likely aware, the New York Paid Family Leave Act was effective January 1, 2018. The act states that employers are required to provide...

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    "You Have Given My Kids a Christmas"

    Union movement comes together to adopt a IBEW Local 3 striking Spectrum family For the last 10 months, 1,800 families have been on strike at Spectrum. As the company refuses...

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    Breavement Notice

    We are sad to report that Brother Ron Perrone has passed away. A viewing will be held on Tuesday December 19th from 2-4 PM and 7-9 PM at the Roma Funeral Home which is...

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    Happy Thanksgiving Local 66

    Thanksgiving is here again. There is no better time to think of the reasons why you are thankful over this long holiday weekend. As union members, there is a lot to be...

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    Election Day is Tomorrow

    Election Day is tomorrow! Make sure you get out and vote for Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph Saladino.  Video of Vote for Joseph Saladino If you live in Nassau County, be...

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    Condolence to the McNeice Family

    Terence "Terry" McNeice of Central Islip passed away on September 19, 2017. Loving fiancee of Carol O'Connell. Loving brother of Joseph and Elizabeth, and adored uncle to his...
