News Updates
66's Irish Joe on NBC Saturday
This article first appeared in Newsday, written by Greg Logan. His name is Joe Smith Jr., a common moniker that is fitting because the light-heavyweight contender from...
Memorial Day
On behalf of everyone here at Laborers 66, we wish everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!
Congressional Night is Canceled
We have affiliates engaged in a very significant and difficult labor dispute with Verizon, therefore we are canceling Congressional Night on Monday evening May 2nd. The...
Attend the 2016 Workers Memorial Mass
Every year around Workers Memorial Day, we come together with the other trades, crafts and union workers to pay homage to those we lost on the job, offer prayer to the...
Hire Local Policy in Dispute
This article originally appeared in Newsday. A dispute between a union and the new owner of a Smithtown senior housing development has raised questions about the...
The Cost of Going to Work Should Never be Death or Injury
A message from LIUNA President Terry O'Sullivan As the April 28th Workers Memorial Day commemoration approaches we can proudly highlight what we can accomplish when we have...
UCOMM Blog: New weapon in arsenal of activism
The General Building and Construction Laborers Local 66 based on Long Island, NY has just added a new weapon in their arsonal of activism. A recent purchase of an LED multi...
Union Meeting & Blood Drive
On Thursday, January 28th, Local 66 will be holding their annual Blood Drive and Union Meeting. The Blood Drive will be from 1:45PM until 7:45 PM at the Local 66 Union Hall...
In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dear LIUNA Brothers and Sisters, Eighty-seven years ago today, a great American, humanitarian, and civil rights activist was born; Martin Luther King, Jr. In his far-too-...
Local 66's Joe Smith Improves to 20-1
Local 66's own Joe "The Irish Bomber" Smith defeated Will Rosinsky in a 10 round unanimous decision to improve to 20-1. The light heavyweight fight took place at the Barclay...
Christmas Meeting / Toy Drive
On Thursday, December 17th at 6 pm we will be having our Annual Christmas Meeting and Toy Drive to benefit Toys for Tots at our union hall in Melville. Hot Food will be...
Union Dues Reminder
As a reminder your monthly dues must be paid by the last day of the second month. The implementation of the new Dues System will automatically suspend any member in arrears...