Local 66 News Archive
Congressman Suozzi Hosts Event to Celebrate Those the Pursuing the American Dream with a Career in Skilled Labor
Last night Congressman Tom Suozzi (D – Long Island, Queens) hosted an event at the Laborers 66 Union Hall in Melville to...
Laborers Union Applauds Town of Hempstead for Today's Vote in Favor of Apprenticeship Training Legislation
Hempstead, New York- Today, the Town of Hempstead unanimously approved legislation that creates apprenticeship training...
Union Meeting Tomorrow
Laborers Local 66 will be having our monthly union meeting tomorrow, Thursday, April 26th at 6:00 PM. As always the meeting...
Close the Prevailing Wage Loophole
In Albany, Laborers Local 66 is working on getting a bill passed that would strengthen the state's prevailing wage law by...
Hail the Prevailing Wage
This is New York. We don't do "race to the bottom" here. We don't invite in bottom-fishers and corner-cutters to build our...
Laborers Local 66 Offering Apprenticeships
The Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee of Local 66 of the General Building Laborers union will begin taking...
Berevement Notice
Steve Kalogeras deceased retiree member, died feb 21st 2018 Service InformationMoloney's Holbrook Funeral HomeSunday 2 to...
NY Family Leave Act
Effective January 1, 2018 As you are likely aware, the New York Paid Family Leave Act was effective January 1, 2018. The...
Happy Holidays Laborers 66
On behalf of everyone here at Laborers 66, we want to wish all of our members and their families a wonderful holiday season...
"You Have Given My Kids a Christmas"
Union movement comes together to adopt a IBEW Local 3 striking Spectrum family For the last 10 months, 1,800 families have...
Breavement Notice
We are sad to report that Brother Ron Perrone has passed away. A viewing will be held on Tuesday December 19th from 2-4 PM...
Happy Thanksgiving Local 66
Thanksgiving is here again. There is no better time to think of the reasons why you are thankful over this long holiday...
Vote No on a NYS Constitutional Convention (Prop 1)
A Multi-Million Dollar Boondoggle In 1967, the last “Politicians’ Convention” held in New York cost taxpayers tens of...
Election Day is Tomorrow
Election Day is tomorrow! Make sure you get out and vote for Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph Saladino. Video of Vote for...
Condolence to the McNeice Family
Terence "Terry" McNeice of Central Islip passed away on September 19, 2017. Loving fiancee of Carol O'Connell. Loving...
Public Hearing for the Expansion of Apprenticeship Programs
The Town of North Hempstead will hold a public hearing this Thursday about contractor apprenticeship programs. Town council...