Local 66 News Archive
Letters: The debate over a prevailing wage in New York
The Newsday editorial board is recklessly misinformed in claiming that a prevailing wage mandate on state-funded projects...
Union members call for prevailing wage expansion in state budget
This article first appeared in Newsday. About 70 unionized construction workers and their supporters called Thursday for...
Take the Poll: Support Union Wages for IDA projects
The Long Island Business News (LIBN) has a online poll out asking the public's opinion on whether union wages should be paid...
Support the Jericho Hotel & Help Keep the Milleridge Inn Alive and Vibrant
Click here to sign the petition. HOTEL FACTS• The proposed limited service Marriott Residence Inn will bring a modern,...
Newsday: Nassau IDA to review tax breaks after union complaints
Nassau County is “reviewing” tax breaks granted to a proposed warehouse in Hicksville after allegations from a union about...
Arlington contractor agrees to use union labor
Responding to criticism of non-union labor at the $5.5 million Arlington Avenue sanitation transfer station reconstruction...
Work Safely in Cold Weather
Does your job keep you outside in cold weather? If so, here are two essentials when getting ready for the workday: Dress in...
Happy Holidays Local 66
The holiday season is here once again and I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah...
Laborers 66 Give Back to the Community
Laborers 66 members recently volunteered to help spruce up Pinelawn cemetery. Thank you to all of the members who took part...
Take Part in a Labor Walk
There are just a few weeks left until the elections. At both the national and state levels, there are important races that...
Funeral Arrangements for James Brazil
The wake for Retired Local 66 member James Brazil will take place at Towers Funeral Home, 2681 Long Beach rd. Oceanside, NY...
Annual Blood Drive & BBQ - Sept 27th
Click here to download the above information.
Help Elect Pro-Labor Candidates
As union members we need to fight for our jobs and benefits. Elected officials and the laws they pass directly impact our...
Happy Labor Day
Labor Day is here once again. While many people see the holiday as the end of the summer or the beginning of the school year...
2018 Laborers 66 Scholarship Winners
Scholarship winner Kayla Ahern with her father Michael, Ed Chakmakian and his son Pearce. Ed presented the awards. Kayla...
Welcome Josh Slaughter to the Team
We would like to welcome Josh Slaughter to the Local 66 team. Josh has joined the Local 66 as our political coordinator,...