Local 66 News Archive
Laborers 66 Candidate John Kennedy on Bellone
Listen to an interview with John Kennedy, Laborers 66's endorsed candidate for County Executive.
Get Ready for Winter with 30% off at Carhartt
Hard work deserves more than a pat on the back, so from October 21-27th Carhartt at the Walt Whitman mall will be offering...
Happy Labor Day
I would like to wish all of the members of Local 66 a happy, safe, and enjoyable Labor Day. As we honor working people and I...
Local 66 Scholarships
At the July meeting, Local 66 was proud to announce our scholarship winners. This was a special year as lawyer Ed Chakmakian...
Send A Message to Stop Anti-Union Contractors!
An important message from Stephen Flanagan, Business Manager: We need to make sure the Administration does not allow low...
Bobby English Memoriam: Even Keeled Gentle Giant
UCOMM’s Kris LaGrange sits down with Local 66 Business Manager Steve Flanagan to talk about Bobby English’s untimely passing...
A Joint Statement on the Passing of Business Agent Bobby English
Below is a joint statement from Local 66 President Steve Flanagan and Nassau/Suffolk Building and Construction Trades...
Services for Brother Bobby English
We are deeply saddened to announce that Local 66 Business Agent Robert "Bobby" English has passed. Bobby was the epitome of...
Prevailing Wage Win in New Hampshire
The House of Representatives voted 213-140 yesterday to pass SB 271, which would require prevailing wages on state-funded...
Newsday: Prevailing-wage battle could boost pay of 71,800 LI construction workers
A fight is brewing in the state Capitol over whether construction workers should be paid union wages and benefits on...
RIP Brother Pulliam
It is with great sadness that we report that Brother Laborer Mike Pulliam passed away this week. Below are the funeral...
The Truth about Pete Zarcone
Editorial from Business Manager Steve Flanagan Recently a small story was printed in Newsday concerning our move to place...
Newsday: Suffolk IDA transition turns tense
The Suffolk County Industrial Development agency is getting a new board member, but the impending transition has turned...
Workers Memorial Mass - May 1st
On Wednesday, May 1 all Laborers 66 members are invited to the Workers Memorial Mass. This annual event mourns those who...
Laborers 66's Donald Trump Construction Worker Interview
Check out Inside Edition's interview with Local 66's Donald Trump Construction Worker. The interview will air at 7:00 PM on...
Prevailing Wage Bill will Stop Money from Leaving NY
This editorial first appeared in the LIBN. New York faces a statewide problem related to public works. Despite what some may...